Thursday, August 19, 2010

My How Time Flies ...

More than a month since my last promise to start training for the Cycle Tour and now, 32 days later - KENAKO: It is here! This past week I have been to the gym all of twice and had my first 5km training session on the Flying Custard (I've decided some things shouldn't change and the original name for my bright yellow steed is perfect - thanks, Stuart!). Perhaps I should stagger my training and not go to the gym for a hectic session and then try to drag my large body around on a hand cycle afterwards? Need to organise my life better ...

On the positive side - Pedal Power Association has provided funding to The Chaeli Campaign for another 2 hand cycles. One is being custom-made for Juan (disabled in a car accident at the age of 19 - now 22) as part of his rehab and we purchased the Black Mamba from Andrew Stodel, who completed the Cycle Tour using the Black Mamba in 2010 (great time round 5hrs+). Mukhtar Lee, who is a member of the wheelchair dancing school Chaeli attends has expressed an interest in hand cycling and has now had two training rides - and his 1st two crashes! As he has never been on a bicycle before he has a lot to learn about road craft and which way to lean when you turn at speed (hence the crashes!) but he is as keen as mustard. Mukkie will also feel much better about it as soon as the bike is adjusted to suit his bod - in this pic we were just trying to let him get the feel of it. We promise to remove the pillows and scarves and get more serious about posture and equipment!

So what can you expect to see out on the road on Sunday afternoons as we head into serious training for next year's Big Race? Mukkie on the Black Mamba and Mad Mom Zelda on the Flying Custard: a formidable sight and we're excited about training together!

PS: Did I mention that the Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour entries open in 13 days' time? EEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKK!!!